Simple Sweet Potato Soup with Red Reishi

Sweet potato, ginger, garlic and red reishi are great ingredients to help support your energy levels, and are also beneficial to your immune system.

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes

Servings: 4


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 4 ½ cups of sweet potatoes, peeled and diced into 1 inch chunks (approximately 2 medium sweet potatoes)
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of minced ginger
  • 3 cups of broth (chicken or vegetable)
  • 1 can of coconut (1/2 cup for soup, ½ for whip topping)
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 capsule Mikei Red Reishi Essence powder (per serving)

Directions for Soup:

  1. Add oil to large pot and heat on medium-low heat
  2. Add garlic and ginger, sauté for approximately 2 minutes
  3. Add sweet potatoes and broth
  4. Turn up heat to bring pot to a boil, and then reduce heat back to medium-low (with lid a jar) and let it simmer for 30 minutes
  5. Add apple cider vinegar and stir
  6. Add coconut milk and stir, allow it to simmer for 3 minutes
  7. Remove from heat, and blend with a hand blender (or puree in blender)

Directions for Coconut Whip:

  1. Cool one can of full fat coconut milk in fridge over night
  2. Scoop out half of the hardened contents (ensure not to include liquid part)
  3. Whisk by hand or with hand blender to smooth
  4. Add small amounts of liquid to help smoothen if needed

To Serve:

Ladle into bowl for serving. Empty one capsule of Meiki Red Reshi Essence powder into a single serving. Stir until dissolved. Add coconut whip as garnish as desired.

What Does Reishi Taste Like?

Divine mushroom, mushroom of immortality, the fungus of long and vibrant life, and the crowning glory. These are just some of the names given to what is possibly the most famous of all Asian medicinal mushrooms – reishi, also known as ling zhi.

Reishi mushrooms have been used for many centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to modern research, this medicinal mushroom has been found to possess some incredible therapeutic properties. Looking to take advantage of all the benefits offered up by this incredibly powerful food and wondering about the taste? Let’s take a closer look at the flavour of this fantastic fungus and why it matters.

Unlike other mushrooms commonly used in cooking—like cremini, portabella, and shiitake—reishi has a distinctive earthy, bitter flavour. Though you might think that reishi doesn’t offer the savoury punch you need for your next gourmand experience, bitter is exactly what you should be looking for in quality reishi. Otherwise, you might not be getting a high enough potency mushroom. So, if you want to enjoy all the wonderful benefits reishi provides, bitter is better.

Nature has used bitter to help signal either poison or medicine, and it is one of the more complex flavours we recognize. Further, scientists have discovered that we have genetic differences in how much we can taste and how the taste is interpreted by our brains. When I prescribe concentrated Chinese herbal powders to be mixed in hot water, I know that I have to let my patients know that they may initially curse me for the bitter concoction that they have to drink. But they usually find that they get used to the flavour and may even begin to like it, especially as they feel better. The same can apply for reishi.

Of course, you can just keep the reishi powder in its capsule and easily gulp it back without tasting it, but if you’re looking for ways to incorporate it into your food, read on.

Add Reishi to Your Recipes

Feel free to experiment with reishi in your favourite dishes. One way to help manage the bitter is to counterbalance it with something sweet or help neutralize it with salty flavours.

For something sweet, you could make your own no-cook protein bars using dates. You could also add it to your hot chocolate, brownies, or banana bread recipe.

By adding more salty or savory ingredients to your reishi-included dish, you can help to alleviate the bitter aftertaste. Tapioca, seaweed, soy sauce, or salt can be great additions! You can add reishi mushrooms to a wide variety of dishes, from soup and stews to chili and roasts.

While we may have become accustomed to thinking that sweet and salty are the only flavours to receive top billing for cravings, there are actually many bitter foods we truly enjoy. Coffee, chocolate, alcohol, matcha, and tea are some of the more popular bitter foods, so some people choose to simply add reishi to those already bitter foods.

Here is one recipe to get you started.

No-Cook Reishi Protein Balls

  • 2 cups cashews (you can substitute in peanuts, almonds, or other nuts)
  • ¼ cup ground or milled flax (optional)
  • ¼ cup raw cacao powder
  • 3-6 Mikei reishi capsules
  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ – 2/3 cups water
  1. Put cashews into a food processor and blend into a flour/powder.
  2. Add ground flax and 2 Tbsp cacao powder.
  3. Open reishi capsules and add in powder. Choose the number of capsules based on how much reishi kick you want.
  4. Pulse until mixed.
  5. Add in dates, vanilla extract, and ¼ cup of water and blend into a dough, adding more water, if needed. It should form a sticky “dough.”
  6. Roll into 1-1.5” balls and roll these in remaining cacao powder to coat them. If they are too sticky to roll, you can refrigerate them for 10 to 15 minutes before rolling.
  7. Store in the fridge. They can also be frozen for later consumption.

Tea or Capsules

The traditional use of reishi is to prepare it as a tea. If using whole reishi mushroom, you need to cook it for awhile, as the hard chitinous shell makes it hard to digest and access the nutrients and valuable compounds inside.

For those who find the bitter taste unpleasant or don’t want to spend the time doing all the prep work, you can opt to take reishi extract capsules instead. Mikei has done all the concentrating for you and even with just one capsule a day, you are getting a powerful dose of all of reishi’s health benefits.

Will Reishi Keep Me Awake?

Who doesn’t want a great night’s sleep? We spend one-third of our lives sleeping, and that is what keeps us healthy throughout the day! On average, adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per day. This is the time during which important processes happen, including detoxification, tissue repair, new cell production, and healthy cognitive processing.

Missing restorative sleep can result in more susceptibility to infection, poorer recovery from injury, and increased risk of illness and disease. It can also mean that we make more mistakes, perform worse at our work, and respond badly to challenging situations and people. We all know how much more difficult it is to take the high ground when we are exhausted.

With busy schedules and endless to-do lists, it is harder than ever to truly recharge your batteries. Despite your best intentions, you might end up staying up later than anticipated. Worse yet, you lie there wide-eyed, unable to sleep despite the fact that you are exhausted. “Tired but wired” seems ever more common.

Our bodies need sleep to work properly. So, if you have heard that mushrooms can improve your energy but worry that they might interfere with your sleep pattern, fret not. Mushroom supplements have played a critical role in the support of natural sleep cycles for centuries. Truth be told, medicinal mushrooms have a long list of benefits, including increased energy, longer life, and improved immune function.

Read on to learn why reishi is the perfect nighttime elixir to help you sleep like a baby and bring balancing energy to your mind and body.

Nature’s answer to a better night’s sleep

While many of us think that a substance can either be stimulating or sedating, but not both, welcome to the world of adaptogens. Adaptogens are natural substances that help the body find homeostasis, a self-regulating process that maintains internal conditions necessary for survival.

Reishi mushrooms can help provide of a feeling of energy during your waking hours, while their active compounds can assist in sleep when it’s bedtime, helping you recharge and rejuvenate and be better prepared for another full day. Unlike prescription or over-the-counter sleeping pills or even some natural sleep remedies, reishi mushrooms won’t cause you to feel drowsy the next day.

For hundreds of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has classified reishi mushrooms—called “ling zhi”—under the category of “calm the mind” herbs. Though the stressors of centuries or even decades ago may be quite different than today, we are wired for survival and have always had to deal with stresses, whether from illness and disease or worries about potential issues in the days to come. In TCM, it is the fruiting body (stem and cap) that is used to soothe the nervous system, creating a feeling of calm. It’s thus important to make sure that you choose a reishi supplement that includes the fruiting body and not just the mycelium. The medicinal mushroom compounds will not only improve tranquility, but also support healthy liver, heart, and kidney function, helping you deal with the body’s physical stresses, providing a better night’s sleep.

Modern day research has found the reishi mushroom to have promising results as a sedative. In an animal study, supplementation with reishi demonstrated that the mushroom increased the duration of sleep in rats.

How to use reishi mushrooms for optimal sleep

In TCM, herbal formulas are generally prescribed by someone skilled in assessing an individual’s constitution and current health situation. A variety of chosen herbs are mixed together and taken for a specified duration of time. It is rare that individual herbs are recommended.

Reishi mushroom is unique in this regard. Because of its adaptogenic properties, safety, and wide range of applications, it may be recommended to take on its own. If you suffer with insomnia, or simply want to enhance your sleep routine, reishi mushroom supplements should be taken every evening before bedtime. As a mushroom with sleep-enhancing properties, it can help you maintain your natural biorhythm. You will fall into a deeper sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. Simply add the reishi mushroom supplement to your favourite drink or recipe or consume it in capsule form.

Selecting the Right Reishi Supplement

With Red Reishi being a renowned powerhouse supplement, the demand fuels the competition of reishi product manufacturing. However, unlike most herbs, the active ingredients in reishi are very volatile and delicate, so every step from cultivation to quality control during the manufacturing process is extremely critical to retaining the concentrated essence. The following are 3 important factors to look out for when selecting reishi products:


The first and foremost factor is to choose the right species. There are over 80 different species of Ganoderma, and the species that we use in TCM is Ganoderma Lucidum, which is primarily found in the wild in east Asia. As previously mentioned in my farm to table posts, a proper farming environment is crucial to cultivating potent medicinal reishi. Many producers do not use the natural wood-log method, nor do they allow the mushroom to mature and develop before harvesting, hence creating subpar products.

Parts used

Many reishi supplements promote the use of the mycelium (root-like structure) or the spores instead of the fruiting body, and although they may contain valuable substances, they are absent of many compounds found in the fruiting body. For instance, the ganoderic acids, a substance that benefits the liver, heart, and kidneys, are only existent in the fruiting body. Although spores can also contain triterpenoids, it is practically indigestible in the human digestive tract, and therefore it cannot be absorbed by the body.

Quality control

Like any revered substance, its “holiness” is often exploited by less-than-stellar quality products, which often end up in containing little to no active compounds as the manufacturing process is not up to par in efficiently retaining the potency of the herb. Therefore, it is important to select a brand with proper certification and a clean reputation in the expertise of creating reishi products.